Viking Call

Upper Merion High's Student Newspaper

Month: March 2021

Taylor Swift Reclaims Music with Re-release of First Six Albums

Taylor Swift, one of the world’s most notorious singer-songwriters, has overcome a multitude of obstacles throughout her successful career. From Kanye West interrupting her acceptance speech at the 2009 VMAs, to receiving firely backlash for her consistent love-oriented lyrics, Swift…

A Reflection on One Season

The green of the summer feels so forlorn, The orange of the fall waves hello. The too long season of the past years croaks, As we wait for the end of the winter’s snow. The orange of the fall waves…

Childhood TV Shows We’ve Probably All Watched

There have been so many new children TV shows that came out since we were toddlers but do we still remember the shows that helped shape our childhood? Here’s a list of 5 shows that we’ve probably all watched when…