Viking Call

Upper Merion High's Student Newspaper



/lib-oro-sis/ • n.  The desire to care less about things, to loosen your grip on your life, to stop glancing behind you afraid of judgment, and to hold on to your life loosely and playfully letting go of the anxiety…

The Metropolitan Museum of Art’s Latest Fashion Exhibit: A Lexicon of America

Almost everyone has heard of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in NYC, better known as The Met – you know, the place where celebs arrive to impress once a year for the Met Gala with the most fabulous, fashionable, and…

Upcoming Musical Tours in 2022

It’s officially concert season semi post-COVID! With more and more people venturing out into the world these days, a lot of stress can come from attending a crowded event (such as a concert). To avoid this stress as much as…

Squid Games Review

The new show Squid Games has taken the world by storm. The show was released on Netflix on September 17th, 2021. The show’s cast includes Lee Jung-jae (Seong Gi-Hun, better known as Player 456), Park Hae-soo (Cho Sang-woo), Jung Ho-yeon…

The Growing Possibility of Supersonic Commercial Flights

With all the new technology within the past decade, society continues to progress at an exponential pace. One such technology enables you to travel faster than the speed of sound. However, before supersonic flight even becomes a possibility—much less a…

Thanksgiving Day Parade 2021

If you’re like me, then one thing you always look forward to on Thanksgiving Day (aside from turkey, of course!) is the Thanksgiving Day Parade — both televised live from Macy’s in NYC and in front of the Philadelphia Museum…

Nearly Two Years of Covid-19: Where Do We Stand?

The weather is getting colder, and the world is entering its second winter under the dreadful hand of Covid-19. With the United States reaching 751,000 deaths attributed to the disease, all many Americans can do is sit back and wait…

Facebook Rebrands as “Meta” in the Face of Legal Turmoil

Summary: Facebook, founded by Mark Zuckerberg in 2004, has recently plunged into the biggest crisis in its history. Valued at $870.5 billion and ranked as the third-largest company in the world, Facebook is facing some of its most incriminating allegations…