Viking Call

Upper Merion High's Student Newspaper

Month: February 2022


Russian-US Tensions: Will Biden Go to War?

Tensions have been rising across Europe as the United States and Russia face off in a series of international conflicts regarding Ukraine, who had experienced a largely successful, democratic revolution in 2014. As part of the revolution, Ukraine sought deeper…

The Necessary Sabbatical for the SAT

 The SAT recently announced that they are changing their test to be taken digitally on a computer and that the test duration is supposed to be reduced to 2 hours, compared to the current test duration of 3 hours. The…


Why We Need a Black Female Supreme Court Justice

In January, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer announced his retirement after twenty-eight years of service on the court. Breyer, appointed by former President Bill Clinton, played a significant role in overseeing crucial cases relating to freedom of speech for…

New Janet Jackson Documentary

Born in the city of Gary, Indiana, Janet Jackson grew up to be an exceptionally talented and famous singer-songwriter. Recently, she and her team decided to release a documentary about what Jackson faces and her scandals, which was released on…

New Music Debuting In 2022

Calling all you music fans out there – 2022 is already shaping up to be a HUGE year in music! For all of those amazing artists that debuted music last year (we’re talking Olivia Roderigo’s Sour, Philadelphia-native Jazmine Sullivan’s Heaux…

How Are Philadelphia Schools Handling the Omicron Surge?

As of January 18th, 2022, there are 67,700,000 Covid-19 cases in the United States (that we know of). Infection rates have reached an all-time high—double the past surges. Federal lockdowns have slowly faded into the past, and the responsibility of…

Biden’s Large Business Vaccine Mandate Blocked By Supreme Court

Over the course of January, the Supreme Court had been debating the issue of vaccine mandates, which both the Biden administration and the Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) want to enforce on large businesses. The mandate…

Oscars 2022 Speculation & What We Know So Far

Your favorite season may be Fall, Spring, Winter, or Summer, but my favorite season is Award season! To kick off the 2022 award season, we have the famous Oscars. The Academy of Motion Pictures will be presenting the 94th Academy…


/lib-oro-sis/ • n.  The desire to care less about things, to loosen your grip on your life, to stop glancing behind you afraid of judgment, and to hold on to your life loosely and playfully letting go of the anxiety…