Viking Call

Upper Merion High's Student Newspaper

Somil Tare


Filibuster: Tyranny of the Minority

The 70% must guard against the 30% (West Wing).   The Tyranny of the Minority!  It seems to be overshadowed and forgotten. Yet it remains so dangerous and destructive, with the current filibuster system being the main tool that threatens our…

Featured Op-Ed

Adam’s Plan:A Faulty Policy to Address Mental Illness

   A relatively normal day with the streets bustling, the sun out, and December and the holidays coming around.     The month of giving, celebration, and love is almost right upon us.     And Mayor Eric Adams has given a gift to all…

Don’t Say Gay Bill: The New Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell of Floridian Classrooms

2022.  HB 1557 or Don’t Say Gay Bill get passed in Florida.  I am not part of the LGBTQ+ community and will never know even 1/1,000,000,000 of the struggle of being part of this community that suffer under wrongfully and…

The Best in Women’s Sports

I can beat Serena Williams!  I can beat Gabby Douglass! I can beat Simone Biles! I can beat Ronda Rousey!  I can beat Katie Ledecky! I can beat all the women greats, at every sport, and at every level! Why…

The Battle for American Consciousness

   Voting!  The critical foundation, the most important right defining a democracy, the most important right defining our democracy is under attack!    Texas, Georgia and many other states have decided to put new restrictions and new burdens and new impositions and…

The Necessary Sabbatical for the SAT

 The SAT recently announced that they are changing their test to be taken digitally on a computer and that the test duration is supposed to be reduced to 2 hours, compared to the current test duration of 3 hours. The…


Restrictions on Congress Members Stock: Justified or Unjustified?

Congress members!    The leaders of our nation!     A new debate has emerged on what restrictions we must have on our leadership. A new bill has emerged, called the Ban Congressional Stock Trading Act, which would force Congress members and their…


Painful Pencils: Satirical Piece

   Pencils!     What are Pencils?    Pencils are nothing but a yellow object that humanity uses to restrict their thoughts, their creativity, their freedom!    Pencils force humanity to be wasteful, for a pencil is useless without paper-which requires us to cut down…

Filibuster: Critical Tradition or Burdensome Relic

    5% (“Out of 5,000”).      5% is the percentage of bills created in Congress that actually become law! Why so low?      The answer is the Filibuster! The Filibuster is a senate rule that allows for members of the minority party to…


Pro-Life or Pro-Choice, the Debate That Has Engulfed the Nation

      In the United States, we take for granted certain rights such as freedom of speech, freedom of press, freedom of religion, and etc. Currently, there is a vicious, complex and polarizing conflict over the right to have an abortion. States…