Viking Call

Upper Merion High's Student Newspaper


“Call Me Kat” New TV Show Review

“Call Me Kat” is a new TV show that premiered on January 3, 2021. It follows Kat, portrayed by Mayim Bialik, through her life in Louisville, Kentucky, where she owns a “cat café.” Yes, you read that correctly!  She gets into shenanigans when in her café with her co-workers Randi (Kyla Pratt) and Phil (Leslie Jordan), as well as Max (Cheyenne Jackson) and Carter (Julian Gant), who own a local bar minutes away from Kat’s Café. Kat’s mother (played by Swoozie Kurtz) is a minor character who is involved in Kat’s life big time: she tries to interfere with Kat’s romantic interests and overall life any chance that she can get. 

The show first caught my eye because Mayim Bialik previously starred in Big Bang Theory – I found her character to be utterly hysterical and thought she would bring that humor to this show as well.  Not only is Mayim the main character in Call Me Kat, but she is also an executive producer.  Mayim Bialik plays a cordial and charming character that breathes life into the show! She enjoys making jokes and has lots of fun navigating through life, although she does have quite a bit of drama going on (crushes, café orders, and shenanigans ensue). 

Kat has a tendency to get wrapped up in her own drama as well as that of her coworkers. The show is crazy and yet entertaining, with the storyline a bit confusing at times. While we do not know how Kat met Phil or Randi, we do discover Kat quit her job as a math teacher to become the owner of her own “cat café” (no pun intended . . . or was it??).  She has a prior connection to Max, as they were friends since college. Kat likes Max, but the feeling is not mutual – he sees her as a good friend and nothing more.

A unique aspect of the show happens when Kat talks directly to the camera at the beginning of each episode to provide the audience a glimpse into her inner thoughts and to set the scene.  The show has an adorable ending as well, where the entire cast comes out and waves as the final credits roll.  The first time I saw this ending occur, I thought it quite bizarre, but the more I watch the show, I can’t wait to see how all the characters bid adieu in the ending scene.  One episode took place in a hotel, so at the end of the show, the camera shot to Kat jumping up and down on the bed, while the rest of the cast either came through the door, or pulled up the bed skirt which found two cast members hiding under the bed.  

Summing up, “Call Me Kat” probably won’t crack the top 20 shows, but it certainly is that guilty pleasure that we all come to love and adore. I’m excited to see next week’s episode and the antics that ensue!  “Call Me Kat” premieres on Thursday nights at 9 PM on FOX. Make sure to tune in for this delightfully funny show!


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