Viking Call

Upper Merion High's Student Newspaper

November 2019

UM Student Joe Galdi Attends National Choir

This November, Joe Galdi, a senior at Upper Merion, represented the Vikings in Orlando, Florida as a member of the National High School Choir.  Joe has been singing for 5 years, since he sang in Gold Chorus with Ms. Nutter…


The Untold Stories of the Murdered

Honestly, the amount of mass murders occurring is By Shivansh Bansal disgusting and shameful; the sad reality is no one is talking about it, because no one cares about deaths in third world countries.  Since 2003 acts of violence, slaughter…

5 Fun Thanksgiving Table Topics that Don’t Involve Politics

Are you tired of sitting at the Thanksgiving table hearing Uncle Albert and Aunt Janet talk about presidential candidates and President Trump? Well have i got the solution for you, and not just 1 solution but 5 engaging topics to…

California Wildfires Rage

The California wildfires started in July 2018 in the northern part of California with the Carr Fire in Trinity counties and the Mendocino Complex Fire in Colusa, which destroyed 1,884 buildings in total. After the fires continued to rage, and…