Viking Call

Upper Merion High's Student Newspaper


Fall Comforts

The sound of dried leaves crash against the sidewalk

The temperature is brisk, but the picturesque scene of the golden skyline creates an inner warmth that can protect against any chilly afternoon

As the wind continues to howl, a distinct autumn scent can be smelled through the drifts

Pumpkins on each doorstep, some rotting on the inside out, but the added diversity amongst the gourds only elevates the spectacle

Around the dinner table, families give thanks for their blessings and feast on a copious meal

Football plays in the background as laughter and small talk bounces around the room

The unique sensation that comes during fall is unlike any other

People are friendlier, foods are more flavourful, and colors are more vibrant

Pumpkin spice fills coffee shops, turkey decals line the windows

Preemptive Christmas decorations begin to make appearances, for those unable to conceal their excitement for the coming festivities

The one constant that can be seen everywhere is joy

I curl up under the warm blankets, encapsulate by the magic of the holiday season delighted for the weeks to come


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