Viking Call

Upper Merion High's Student Newspaper


Course Selection Tips

Many students this month will be dealing with course selection, and it can be a very daunting and scary process for many students. There are a couple things that I would like to point out about course selection that will help you as you are making your decisions for this upcoming school year. First, the debate between Honors/AP and CP level classes. The most important thing to realize when deciding between the two academic tracks is to find the right fit for where you are academically. When deciding between the two classes the best thing to do is listen to what you have heard about the course from teachers, friends, or siblings and do what is right for you rather than get pressured into taking a class by your friends. Another thing to account for in this debate is your extracurricular schedule, as if you are working, and a member of 10 clubs it might be better for you to take CP classes so that you don’t overload yourself. My final piece of wisdom as a senior who has seen it all is to not be afraid to move up or down after experiencing the class for a little bit. If after the first week of school next year you realize that the class you’re in isn’t the right fit, by all means meet with your guidance counselor and switch. 

Regarding electives, Upper Merion has a wide array of electives ranging from Psychology to Intro to Engineering. But if you can’t find any courses that interest you in house, ask your guidance counselor about VHS (Virtual High School), and although you may be worn out from virtual learning VHS is a great opportunity to learn about a subject that isn’t offered here at the highschool. These classes can give you the opportunity to test a subject out to see if it is something that you want to continue in college and beyond as well. There is also the option to double up on science or math, with the second science or math taking the place of your elective. This is something that many students choose to do every year, but be sure that you are ready for the work and studying that is necessary to add to your course load in this manner. 

Another thing to note is tech school, the tech school offers lots of great programs such as cosmetology and auto repair. The tech school allows you to gain hands-on experience in a field that interests you in a way that isn’t available in the high school. Something to note with the tech school is the changes that it would make to your schedule in the high school, so make sure to talk to your guidance counselor about all the details before committing to attending the tech school. 

A couple final reminders is to take the classes and opportunities that are right for you, and that will help you towards your goals, whether that be college or anything else. And no matter what some might say, even if you take CP classes you can still go to college. So all in all make sure to focus on what your own goals are, and take everything into account before making your final decisions. Good Luck!


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