Viking Call

Upper Merion High's Student Newspaper

Komal Jha

NASA’s Dart Mission Successfully Shoved an Asteroid

Can NASA really change the Orbit of an Asteroid as it hurdles over to the earth to kill us? The Dry run Misson called the DOUBLE ASTEROID REDIRECTION TEST. It was the first of it’s kind and NASA reported that…

I hope you lose the one thing you have

He wishes he was the one for her-  I hope you lose the one thing you have  I hope you realize one day what you had Brag about you like you are a trophy  Talk about you like your my…

She is a woman

White, Black, Pink or Brown She will never drop her crown, It might tilt but she won’t dare to drop it. She wears it like a lady and walks like one too Talks how she wants, gets what she wants …

Maybe It’s Time For The Truth

Maybe it’s time for the truth- Hold my hand before we kiss, Touch my heart before my lips Unless you wanna be just like them, Think about us, not just me. Don’t try and hide your feelings because you wanna…

That One Person

Reflecting back on the year 2020, I realize my mistakes but I also allow myself to move on instead of being stuck with the past forever. I have had many ups and downs. But we all can accept the fact…

Music’s In The Air

Fifteen year old me, still thinking Santa is there. Music’s in the air, it’s everywhere Daydreaming about the snowy nights,  And the lights on the street, It glows Blue, Green, Red and white. These colors bright up the homes and…

The Beautiful Side of the Ugly Social Media

A lot of people have argued whether social media has a positive or a negative effect on society, with many still unaware of the true answer.  According to, there are an estimated 3.46 billion active mobile social media users…